Lump‘sums’ and Lump‘somes’…!

There cannot be a better point in time to write and share this blog. Apart from the Mango and IPL season, this part of the year is often in vogue due to its fair share of appraisals, increments and performances incentives or bonuses to received. Suddenly the salary coming in as a routine amount, sheds... Continue Reading →

Expense Tales…!

I recently got to be a part of a knowledge sharing session on investments and stuff at my workplace. Sharing the dais with my senior colleague, we attempted to guide the Janta towards better investing. I, as usual ventured some choice wisdom snippets from what I have been writing so far! Another senior colleague then... Continue Reading →

Basket of Eggs…!

The contents of this blog have often stemmed up from people, their eccentric behaviours and vague mind-sets, to be precise. As a man of finance, people with varied ideologies keep on speaking their hearts out to me – bringing out their hidden beliefs and logic, which at times funnier, intriguing and inspiring. Amusing as these... Continue Reading →

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